_3xF in the 'Europe train 2006'
3xF is coordination partner of 'Europe train
2006' - a project with the MitOst registered society. From April 24th
to May 1st 2006 the 'Europe train 2006' will travel as a special train
from Berlin through six Eastern
European countries in order to bring
the European idea into cities where people still consider the EU to
be a speed train passing them by.
The 42 passengers are from all participating countries and will present
cultural programs such as exhibitions, readings, concerts or podium
discussions at train stations. Europe will be presented as a 'market
of opportunities' in the train and at all train stations; a Europe
which thrives due to the diversity of its citizens.
Within the context of the 2006 World Cup of Football in Germany the
project 3xF will jump on the 'Europe train 2006' and will present
itself as a poster exhibition with motives from the subsequent photo
exhibition in Berlin at the train stations at Ceské Budejovice/Budweis
(Czech Republic), Maribor (Slovenia), Pécs (Hungary), Kisice
(Slovakia), Krakow (Poland) and Zgorzelec/Görlitz (Poland). Every
artist will be on location and will represent her home country as
part of the project 3xF. Fußball_Frauen_Fotografie.
The 'Europe train 2006' is a project of the MitOst
registered society of the German Association for Foreign Policy in
Berlin and the Edith Stein Society Breslau.
_Europe train 2006 - Stop over in:
Berlin (Germany) start 06-04-24
Ceské Budejovice (Czech Rep.) 06-04-24
Maribor (Slowenia) 06-04-25
Pécs (Hungary) 06-04-26
Košice (Slovakia) 06-04-27
Krakow (Poland) 06-04-29
Zgorzelec/Görlitz (Poland) 06-04-30
Berlin (Germany) 06-05-01